Dec 01 2014

A Post Full of Suburban Jungle STUFF

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I’ve been trying to come up with an interesting and insightful post about my creative process and how to make the business end of it all work and so on, and so far all I’ve managed to do is write “Duh… me like chocolate!” over and over again. So I’m going to punt on that idea and just put up a random collection of SJ-related flotsam and jetsam that I don’t have anywhere else to put.

Charity's Surfing Lesson (Preview)First of all, Issue Two is now available for pre-order from FurPlanet, including a full-page color rendering of Charity’s Surfing Lesson, available only in print or to Patreon supporters. My intention is to start including a bonus art piece in every issue (and posted to the Patreon page) as a “thank you” specifically to those readers who help me put food on the table.

Issue Two should be available to pick up at Midwest Furfest this weekend at the FurPlanet table. I’ll also be at MWFF, grabbing a spot in the Artist Alley whenever I can. Come and find me! Commission me to draw stuff! I’ll be your friend! ^.^’

Second, after November’s Ask the Cast page revealed that Charity was named after her great-grandmother, who was a member of the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots, I received an e-mail from a reader named Kim who told me that her own mother was also a member of the WASPs, and thanked me for helping spread the word about them. She also sent me a couple of photos of her mom, with permission to post them. Click through for the full versions.

WASP Member on a P-38

WASP member on a stopover

Kim told me that the second picture was a stopover on a delivery flight: the men had never seen a female pilot before and were so impressed they asked for a picture. Kim’s mom is alive and well and going strong at 98, which is pretty awesome.


Finally, the cover of Issue Three was supposed to go up on the SJ site today, not sure why it didn’t. So it’ll go up tomorrow! Issue Three will begin running in January.

-The Gneech

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