Madison, Virginia, 1930 ... a small but lively city on the mouth of the Rappahanock, built around the imposing spires of Chesapeake University and a haven for artists, writers, and visionaries. But Madison has a darker side as well – a past tainted by bloodshed and horror, unsettling undercurrents of hatred and vice, and the weird call of the sea. In Madison, the gothic and the grotesque linger in the shadows of the genteel Virginia countryside.
Madison has many strange tales to tell; in Uncanny Midnight Tales, you play the participants of these tales, those who by choice or circumstance find themselves confronting the strange, investigating the unknown, and protecting a helpless and unknowing world from the horrors that would devour it.
Uncanny Midnight Tales is a d20 System-based roleplaying campaign by John “The Gneech” Robey, inspired by such classics as Justice, Inc. and Call of Cthulhu, which uses the more contemporary ruleset of Star Wars Saga Edition.
NEWS: April 26, 2009 — My campaign finally begins! Handouts from the first session, "The Auction," can be found below under the "Campaign" heading.
NEWS: August 2, 2008 — Uncanny Midnight Tales is now complete! With the addition of the Gamemaster Guide, all of the core materials for Uncanny Midnight Tales are complete. I will periodically add new resources to this page in the form of scenario notes and so on as my own campaign progress — but if you’d like to run or play Uncanny Midnight Tales, everything you need (except for a copy of Star Wars Saga Edition) is right here!
NEWS: August 5, 2008 — Added Horizontal GM Screen to the Rules section.
NEWS: September 15, 2008 — "Building Encounters by XP Budget in Saga Edition" uploaded! While I built it primarily for S&S Saga, this adaptation of the "Encounter Budget" system can also be used for Uncanny Midnight Tales, Star Wars Saga Edition, or even Cthulhu d20, Dungeons and Dragons 3.x, or just about any d20 System game that uses the standard CL/CR and experience point progression system.
Uncanny Midnight Tales is more an interpretation than an original work, but hopefully this new implementation of the ruleset will find favor. UMT is based largely on the work of Monte Cook, Christopher Perkins, Owen K.C. Stephens, Rodney Thompson, John Tynes, Lynn Willis, Sandy Petersen, Aaron Allston, Steve Petersen, and Michael Stackpole. Illustrations have been culled from several sources, particularly from the “Dark Cults” storytelling card game created by Kenneth Rahman, a variety of web pages, royalty-free clipart collections, and some older or out-of-print RPG sources, and in all cases should be considered the property of their various creators or licensors. I do not know the source for all illustrations, but I’ve made as complete a list as I could in the various resource books. This is a fan work and is not intended to undermine any existing copyright. The setting of Madison, Virginia was created and developed by Phil Brucato and John Robey with input from Laurie Robey, Jennifer Starling and Gray Beeker.
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