
Suburban Jungle: Rough Housing, Issue One, by John 'The Gneech' Robey
Suburban Jungle: Rough Housing, FurPlanet, 2014
— An all-new series starring Charity Cheeger (daughter of Dover and Comfort from the original Suburban Jungle as the harried manager of a beachfront bar/hotel perennially on the skids. Can Charity find a way to make the Rough House succeed, or is she doomed to a very loud life of quiet desperation?

No Predation Allowed: Ten Years of The Suburban Jungle, by John 'The Gneech' RobeyNo Predation Allowed: Ten Years of The Suburban Jungle, GnomeCo Publishing, 2011/FurPlanet, 2014 — The entire run of Suburban Jungle, cleaned up, color restored to strips that lost color, and presented in three full-color volumes, as well as bonus stories and some commentary. This project was made possible by a Kickstarter campaign and was intended from start to finish as a love letter to the comic’s fans for ten years of sheer awesomeness. I was quite proud of this, and surprised at how well SJ held up when read as a cohesive whole. Originally self-published, this series now has a happy home with the good folks at FurPlanet.

Childproof the Unicorns, by John 'The Gneech' RobeyChildproof the Unicorns (Second Edition), GnomeCo Publishing, 2011 — The original first year of NeverNever, cleaned up, re-lettered, and with some missing strips finally restored, this is the definitive version.

Attack of the War-Cats, by John 'The Gneech' RobeyAttack of the War-Cats, GnomeCo Publishing, 2011 — It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but the second volume of NeverNever strips finally made it into print! There’s a lot of collaborative work in this one, including art by Sue Rankin, Allen Petlock, Tiffany Ross, and Richard Wyatt.

Roar, Volume 3Roar, Volume 3 edited by Buck Turner — This anthology of “furry lit” includes my short story “Blackbird Singing In the Dead of Night: From the Files of Squash and Stretch, Private Investigations.” My two cartoon gumshoes from Suburban Jungle return to track down a widow’s inheritance and unexpectedly solve a murder along the way. I had a lot of fun writing this one!

Carpe Diem, Volume 1, by Graveyard GregCarpe Diem Graphic Novel, Vol. 1, written by Graveyard Greg, 2007 — This contains a reprint of “Goodbye! Hello!” from Carpe Diem #4.

Carpe Diem #4, by Graveyard GregCarpe Diem #4, written by Graveyard Greg, 2005 — I pencilled and inked a four-page story in this issue called “Goodbye! Hello!” It was my first major comic-book format project, as well as the first time I drew to somebody else’s script. Quite the learning experience! And I hope to do it again sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Tough Breaks: A Suburban Jungle Portfolio by John 'The Gneech' RobeyTough Breaks, Plan Nine Publishing, 2005 — This book was the one where I finally felt like my art was getting somewhere near the right vicinity of what I wanted it to look like. I also had more energy to invest in telling the story and adding flourishes, once I was no longer burning up so much mental energy fighting depression.

Orange Alert: A Suburban Jungle Portfolio by John 'The Gneech' RobeyOrange Alert, Plan Nine Publishing, 2003 — I must admit, this book always made me feel a bit guilty, because between Vince Suzukawa and Scott Kellogg, as much of this book was created by other people as it was by me. This book also spanned the worst of my depression and the beginnings of my recovery, which is probably not a coincidence.

Love Bites: A Suburban Jungle Portfolio by John 'The Gneech' RobeyLove Bites, Plan Nine Publishing, 2001 — I still think the Valentine’s Day Candy cover theme was a neat idea, I don’t care what anybody says.

La Vida Panthera: A Suburban Jungle Portfolio by John 'The Gneech' RobeyLa Vida Panthera, Plan Nine Publishing, 2000 — The first Suburban Jungle book and still one of my favorite pictures of Tiffany on the cover. Sometimes this book feels like it just came out yesterday. Not often! But sometimes.

Childproof the Unicorns: A NeverNever Chronicle by John 'The Gneech' RobeyChildproof the Unicorns, Plan Nine Publishing, 2000 — I knew that I wanted to get NeverNever into print as soon as possible, but I had no idea that it would be so soon after the strip began. I also had no idea that NeverNever was going to end up on a *mumble* year break shortly thereafter. Argh!

Technomancer's Toybox, White Wolf GamesTechnomancer’s Toybox, White Wolf Games, 1998 — My last project for Mage, this one was something of a bittersweet experience. I had a lot of fun coming up with the mad science gadgetry (the Physiognomizer was a personal favorite), but some of what I liked best in the stuff I wrote, ended up on the cutting room floor — and some of the editor’s changes were directly contrary to the effect I was trying to achieve. But, such is the life of a freelancer, I suppose.

Book of Mirrors: The Mage Storyteller's Guide, White Wolf GamesBook of Mirrors: The Mage Storyteller’s Guide, White Wolf Games, 1997 — Honestly, I barely remember this one. My old website says, “my section deals with the multiple-Storyteller Chronicle, how to create and sustain one, and what advantages and disadvantages they have,” and I have no reason to doubt my word.

Hidden Lore, White Wolf GamesHidden Lore, White Wolf Games, 1996 — This was a GM screen and campaign “starter kit” for Mage. I wrote a fair amount of the Seattle sourcebook, based entirely on what I read in books because I’d never been there…!

Indiana Jones Adventures, West End GamesIndiana Jones Adventures, West End Games, 1996 — I sent West End a pitch for a supplement called Indiana Jones and the Brotherhood of Evil, which was intended to be a semi-connected anthology of small adventures. They sent me back a letter saying, “Actually, we want the ‘City of Dreams’ segment, and none of the rest, as we have our own adventure anthology in the works.” I had to sign a bazillion different contracts for LucasArts basically saying that Indiana Jones was theirs, anything I wrote that was even vaguely associated with Indiana Jones was theirs, and anything I happened to think of related to any other project while I was working on Indiana Jones was theirs too. As you might expect, I did a lot of not thinking on this project. Still, I had a lot of fun with it and was eagerly looking forward to the chance to do more Indiana Jones work — when West End Games rather abruptly went out of business, sending the “World of Indiana Jones” line into the bargain bin of gaming history.

Mage: The Ascension (Second Edition), White Wolf GamesMage: The Ascension (Second Edition), White Wolf Games, 1995 — At Phil’s request, I wrote an essay on how to Joseph-Campbellize your Mage chronicle for the Second Edition release. Pretty basic Power Of Myth retread stuff, but it got me a lot of nice comments.

Street Fighter: Contenders, White Wolf GamesStreet Fighter: Contenders, White Wolf Games, 1995 — A collection of foes and new martial arts styles for Street Fighter. I put a lot of research into the moves and martial arts styles for this one, and had a fun time coming up with interesting character ideas. Unfortunately, we were on a super-tight deadline, so playtesting was practically zero — and we got slammed for it. (Deservedly so.) As a point of interest, this book got pilloried by “Something Awful”, but very little of my actual material was roasted. It’s nice to know I sucked less than the rest of the team!

Street Fighter: The Perfect Warrior, White Wolf GamesStreet Fighter: The Perfect Warrior, White Wolf Games, 1995 — A kung-fu master turns to the player characters for help, and they must face train wrecks, experimental laser weapons, hallucinagenic gas, and a dog named Kierkegaard if they are to keep his secrets out of the hands of evil-doers! This was my longest and favorite project for White Wolf, as well as the only solo gaming project I’ve done to date. I still get e-mails about this one from time to time, which pleases me immensely.

Book of Shadows: The Mage Players Guide, White Wolf GamesBook of Shadows: The Mage Players Guide, White Wolf Games, 1993 — I know this was my first published gaming work … but for the life of me I can’t remember what I did for it! Still, I’ve got an author credit, and you can’t take that away from me! The main thing I remember was being incredibly excited that I was finally published, and in what was at the time quite a high-profile line to boot.

Whistling In the Dark (comic strip), Commonwealth Times, c. 1990-1991 — My first go at a comic strip, modeled largely on Bloom County. It featured a red-haired, fedora-wearing guy (Hmm!), his google-eyed pet from outer space (who later reappeared in Suburban Jungle as The Sams), and a collection of oddball neighbors and associates. It was fun and full of energy, and I still periodically loot it for ideas.