May 24 2016

Ghostbusters 5E: Equipment (First Pass)

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(Artwork by Dan Schoening)

Armor and Shields
Generally speaking, the only armor most Ghostbusters are proficient with are their padded jumpsuit, which is little more than a janitorial jumpsuit with heavy boots, elbow- and knee-pads, and thick protective gloves. Police and military units may have more advanced armor, and there are certainly plenty of reports of ghosts clanking around ancient castles in haunted plate mail. Training in armor proficiency costs $500 and takes six weeks per armor type (or uses the appropriate feat).

Ballistic Armor
Armor with the “ballistic” property (B) is designed to protect against bullets. In game terms, it provides resistance against piercing damage. Note that the Tactical Vest and Riot/Combat Gear armor also provide resistance against slashing damage (S).

Light Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Padded Jumpsuit $50 11 + Dex mod 8 lbs
Light Vest (B) $250 12 + Dex mod 5 lbs
Medium Armor
Tactical Vest (B, S) $500 14 + Dex mod Disadv. 10 lbs
Heavy Armor
Riot/Combat Gear (B, S) $750 18 Str 13 Disadv. 20 lbs
Riot Shield $50 +3 Disadv. 5 lbs

Weapons range from fists to Mark IV proton packs with dark matter projectors. Although statistics for guns are provided here, Ghostbusters almost never use them– the stats are provided for NPCs such as police officers who might carry them. Guns and some other weapons use the ammunition, burst fire, and reload properties from page 267 of the Dungeon Masters Guide.

The weapon proficiency groups for Ghostbusters are simple melee weapons, sidearms, longarms, proton packs, and slime blowers. Anything more exotic than that requires its own proficiency. The medieval-style weapons of D&D exist, of course, but are so rarely used that they require their own proficiency.

Simple Melee Cost Damage Weight Properties
Chain $5 1d4 bldg 2 lbs
Billy Club $5 1d4 bldg 2 lbs light
Dagger $15 1d4 prcg 1 lb Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Hammer $5 1d4 bldg 2 lbs light, thrown (range 20/60)
Razor $5 1d4 slsh 1 lb Finesse, light
Pistol, automatic $100 2d6 prcg 3 lbs ammunition (range 50/150), reload (15 shots)
Revolver $75 2d8 prcg 3 lbs ammunition (range 40/120), reload (6 shots)
Rifle, hunting $175 2d10 prcg 8 lbs ammunition (range 80/240), reload (5 shots), two-handed
Rifle, automatic $250 2d8 prcg 8 lbs ammunition (range 80/240), burst fire, reload (30 shots), two-handed
Shotgun $125 2d8 prcg 7 lbs ammunition (range 30/90), reload (2 shots), two-handed
Ghostbusting Gear
Proton Gauntlets $500 2d6 radiant 3 lbs melee, uses proton pack proficiency
Proton Pack Mk I $500 3d8 radiant 15 lbs ammunition (range 100/300), reload (30 shots), two-handed, capture
-boson dart +$200 3d8 radiant 2d6 splash 5’ radius, uses 3 shots
Mk II: PDS (slime blower) +$250 +2 lbs ammunition (range 30/60), reload (30 shots), slime
Mk III: dark matter blaster +$300 3d8 cold +2 lbs 15’ cone (DC 15 Dexterity save)
-stasis stream stasis (DC 15 Constitution save)
Mk IV: meson collider +$300 3d8 force +2 lbs 2d6 splash 5’ radius, uses 3 shots
-overload pulse 3d8 force tracking (meson collider, 3 uses), uses 3 shots
Proton Pistol ($300) 3d6 radiant 3 lbs ammunition (range 40/120), reload (50 shots), capture
Slime Blower Drum $300 5 lbs ammunition (range 50/100), reload (100 shots), slime

New Weapon Qualities
Capture. A weapon with the capture quality can be used to catch ghosts or other “trappable” creatures. Weapons with the capture quality can affect creatures on the ethereal plane from the material plane (and vice versa), but creatures on the other plane only take half damage (as if they had resistance). When the wielder of a capture weapon successfully hits a ghost with ½ its maximum hit points or less or is incapacitated that is in line of sight, they may attempt to capture the creature as a reaction. The creature must attempt a DC 15 saving throw against its Constitution or Charisma (whichever is higher). On a success, the creature is unaffected. On a failure, the creature is grappled and restrained (even creatures normally immune to such conditions, such as phantasms). The creature may attempt a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns to escape the capture effect. The wielder of the capture weapon may move the captured creature up to 15’ as an action on their turn. Capture weapons must maintain line of sight, or the capture effect is immediately broken.

Slime. Against corporeal creatures, weapons with this quality impose the slimed condition. When used against ghosts or other non-corporeal creatures, each successful hit imposes a level of exhaustion (even in creatures normally immune to exhaustion, such as specters). Corporeal creatures subject to mind-affecting influences (including possession, fear, or confusion) may immediately make a saving throw with advantage to throw off the effect. Corporeal creatures hit by the slime weapon must also make a DC 15 Wisdom save or fall into a sappy euphoria that emulates the effects of charm person for one hour. Slime can also be used to create psychokinetic effects in inanimate objects, using 1 shot for a tiny or small object, 3 shots for a medium object, 10 shots for a large object, 30 shots for a huge object, or 90 shots for a gargantuan object. Slime weapons can also close black slime portals, using the same shots/size ratio.

Splash. When a target is hit by a weapon that does splash damage, every creature within the splash radius must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity save or also take the indicated amount of damage. Large creatures who are hit by the initial weapon are also subject to the splash damage if they are within the area of effect and fail the Dexterity save.

Stasis. When a creature is hit by a stasis weapon they must make a DC 15 Constitution save. On a success they are unaffected. On a failure, their speed becomes halved, they take a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws. The creature may attempt another save at the end of each of its turns to remove the effect. If the creature is hit by another stasis effect during that time, they become paralyzed as well (even creatures normally immune to paralysis). A successful save ends both effects.

Tracking. A weapon with the tracking quality automatically hits a creature which has previously been hit by another weapon which marked it for a certain number of times. For example, a creature that has been hit by the meson collider of a Mk IV proton pack is “marked” for the overload pulse of the same proton pack. The next three uses of the overload pulse will automatically hit that target. This effect can go around corners and does not require line of sight, but will not penetrate barriers.

Other Ghostbusting Gear
Ecto-Goggles ($350)
These goggles give the wearer truesight 60’, but impose disadvantage on Dexterity and Charisma checks and saving throws and halve the wearer’s movement speed as they can’t really see where they’re going while wearing them and look dorky as hell. They can be put on as a bonus action on your turn and removed as a free action as long as you have a free hand.

Ghost Trap ($500)
When a ghost trap is activated, every trappable creature within the same 5’ square as the trap must make a DC 15 saving throw on their Dexterity or Charisma (whichever is greater). Any trappable creature that begins their turn in the area of effect must also attempt the save. On a failed save, the creature is restrained and paralyzed (even if it is normally immune to such conditions), and when the trap closes the creature is pulled in and held in an extradimensional space with properties similar to the “Minimus Containment” option of the imprisonment spell. On a successful save, the creature is unaffected. Most susceptible creatures will not hang around in the area of ghost trap, so you’ll probably need to use a capture stream to hold them in place for it. A trap can be placed in any spot you can see within 15’ as a bonus action. Opening a trap can be done as a bonus action or reaction, and closing the trap is a free action. Recovering a closed trap requires an action in the space where the trap is located or can be done by using 5’ of movement. Ghost traps have battery power to last up to five hours, after which time any creature still in the trap automatically escapes.

PKE Meter ($250)
This hand-held device detects and tracks psychokinetic energy (PKE) disturbances. Although its readings are often little more than “warmer/colder” in nature, a successful Intelligence (tool proficiency) check with the PKE meter can identify previously-scanned creatures or effects, or be combined with use of Ecto-Goggles to reveal information about a particular creature, including details about its origin, abilities, or weaknesses, at Ghostmaster discretion.

Franchise Upgrades
Motorcycle ($15,000)
Zippy, looks cool. Minimal cargo capacity.

Sports Car ($25,000)
Also zippy and gives you cool points. Only carries two people and gear or three people without gear, and they keep bonking their knees.

Station Wagon or SUV ($25,000)
Less zippy, but can still look badass. Station wagon can carry up to five people and their gear in relative comfort; SUV can only carry three people with gear (or four people without gear) but is much better suited for off-road or hazardous conditions.

RV or Work Van ($35,000)
The ultimate in non-zippiness. Big, bulky, awkward, dorky. But it can carry a team of six with all their gear plus a portable lab (purchased separately).

Work Boat ($50,000)
Like a work van that can go on water. Makes endearing “chug-chug” noises.

Helicopter ($150,000)
Your team acquires a GBI-branded four-passenger helicopter, how friggin’ cool is that? It comes with a small radar unit (that’s actual radar, not “Ecto-radar”), a winch and paramedic-style rescue platform, and six parachutes. You might want to make sure someone has proficiency before you take off.

Mini-Sub ($250,000)
Your team acquires a GBI-branded four-passenger mini-sub, for underwater exploration. Haunted wrecks can be very profitable.

“Ecto-1 Equipment Package” ($5,000)
“Ecto-radar” PKE sweep, recharge package, first-aid kits, GPS, integrated cellphone, roof-mounted video and infrared camcorder, and VHS/DVD player (satellite radio not included). This requires a vehicle of station wagon size or larger.

Muon Trap “Super-Slammer” ($3,000)
A vehicle-mounted ghost trap with 5’ radius area effect centered on the top of the vehicle, the Super-Slammer has a capture DC of 20 instead of 15 and can capture any number of creatures at a time. It requires a vehicle of station wagon size or larger.

Gadget List Gadgets ($500 per prodigy-level gadget slot, $750 per genius-level gadget slot)
Don’t have an inventor on your team? No sweat. With time and money, anyone with basic ghost-busting experience can cobble together new equipment. After all, that’s what the original team did! One nice thing about this option is that once the item is bought, it stays around forever (or until you lose or break it, this is why we can’t have nice things).

Workshop ($5,000 per skill benefitted)
A workshop contains tools, reference materials, spare parts, and whatever else you might need to make life easier for someone working on a particular type of task. When making skill or tool proficiency checks, you have advantage in a workshop, and it takes half the usual time. The workshop types available are Electronic, Mechanical, Science, Parapsychology, and Arcana.

Staff Upgrade ($20,000)
Most GB franchises have a NPC secretary/receptionist who books jobs, does light accounting, and will empty their own wastebasket, but that’s about it. This upgrade gets you the services of a regular cleaning staff, an on-call lawyer/accountant, and a vehicular mechanic (negating up to 3 RP of environmental damage or other associated costs per session as appropriate).

Stuff You Can Buy Online (varies)
Camcorders, laptop computers, Elvis’s autograph? Prices may vary.

Whattya think? Next time… The Gadget List.

-The Gneech

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