Life of a Bounder, Part VII
January 8, 2009
Maedhroc’s been a busy little hobbit, so the postcards have sort of piled up since the last time he sent any.
“A lively jam session at the Prancing Pony! The human’s name is Barathaen; the dwarf is Kozakh.”
“Another jam session shot.”
“I thought you might like an action shot — this is me riding hard for Rivendell to deliver an urgent message to Lord Elrond. Quite an honor for a lowly warden like me!”
“In Rivendell I found some familiar faces! Mr. Bilbo and Mr. Frodo seemed a bit distracted and weren’t doing so well, I’m sad to say. Mr. Bilbo had aged quite a bit since I saw him at his 111th Birthday Party, and Mr. Frodo seemed to be very concerned about something. Maybe it’s that Gandalf again.”
“Speaking of familiar … nice outfit you have there, miss.”
“Some interesting folk I met in Rivendell; they were both quite friendly to me, although they didn’t seem too friendly to each other. In the far background you can see that Strider fellow again. Everyone in Rivendell seemed to think he was some great personage … looks like a scruffy bandit to me.”
“Now here’s an important personage. First son of the Steward of Gondor, no less! He seemed quite annoyed about something, but was the height of courtesy to me. With emphasis on height, if you catch my drift.”
“Another reunion. Gildor was the first elf I ever met, some time ago when he was passing through the Shire, he drove off a rider in black who had given me quite a turn. Gildor remembered me, actually, which I found quite flattering.”
“One of the most unusual people I’ve met in my travels so far. Nice enough fellow, though, considering he was some centuries dead. Better than the ones in the Great Barrow, anyhow.”
“Madness? Madness??? THIS! IS! HOBBITON!”
“This is my ‘Sam Gamgee in Mordor’ costume. Whattya think?”
“After some rough encounters with trolls, I decided it was time that I invest in some better armor. I’ve been making a fair amount of coin in my off-time crafting armor and outfits for other folk, collecting ore and wood and so forth, as well as selling off trophies from the various monsters and evil creatures I’ve had to fight, so I picked up this outfit from a dwarven settlement. The helmet is actually elvish, recovered from a camp of orcs and refurbished. I’m not keen on tromping around in boots — its just not the hobbit way — but I’ve squidged around one swamp too many to do that barefoot any more. Besides, have you ever had a goblin spear jammed into your foot? Let me tell you, it’s not a happy experience.”
He’s really becoming quite the hero. I remember when he was carrying mail and gathering chicken eggs to prove himself worthy to be a Bounder!
-The Gneech