The Halfling Lass From Appletop
Berelandine the Halfling Serving Wench, by Dunlaoch
A popular barracks/meadhall song in Orbis Leonis, sung to the tune of “The Mademoiselle From Armentiers.”
The halfling lass from Appletop is a tavern maid.
The halfling lass from Appletop is a tavern maid!The halfling lass is a tavern maid.
In gold or kisses she gets paid![chorus]
Will you have another round, me lord?[call]
The halfling lass from Appletop is three foot high.
The halfling lass from Appletop is three foot high!The halfling lass is three foot high.
She looks your codpiece in the eye![chorus]
Will you have another round, me lord?[call]
The halfling lass from Appletop is a lovely girl.
The halfling lass from Appletop is a lovely girl!The halfling lass is a lovely girl.
She’ll take your stallion for a whirl![chorus]
Will you have another round, me lord?[call]
I asked the lass from Appletop to be my bride.
He asked the lass from Appletop to be his bride!I asked the lass to be my bride,
and spend a lifetime at my side![chorus]
Will you have another round, me lord?[call]
The halfling lass from Appletop said “Nay, sir, nay.”
The halfling lass from Appletop said “Nay, sir, nay!”The halfling lass said “Nay, sir, nay!
Not until your tab you pay!”[chorus]
Will you have another round, me lord?
Put that in your weed-pipe and smoke it. ;)
-The Gneech