Nov 10 2009


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Nibbling on tuna-on-a-cracker, Greg said, “People who can’t tell ‘their’ as in ‘belonging to them’ from ‘there’ as in ‘over there’ really? Huh. I’d have thought the good old grocer’s apostrophe would be what drove you the most nuts.”

“Well yeah, that drives me nuts too,” Brigid said, talking over the music. “But not as nuts as the whole their/there/they’re trifecta.”

“Eh, I could care less about that,” said Treville, but was roundly ignored.

“What about you, Mr. Writer?” said Brigid. “Surely a wordsmith such as yourself must have a linguistic pet peeve or twelve.”

“Well, I’m usually pretty laid back about it,” said Greg. “The whole don’t-wrestle-with-a-pig thing, y’know? But I think the one thing that really makes my teeth grind is when people latch on to some linguistic construction that makes absolutely no sense and that they’d never say in a million years except they heard it on television or something and think it makes them sound hip, so they repeat it over and over.”

“I know, right?” said Treville, but then couldn’t understand why the two of them just stared at him in cold silence.

-The Gneech

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2 responses to “Fictionlet”

  1. ArkynFox says:

    Not to make a fuss, but there appears to be non-working links ahoy! *proceeds to furiously click the text*