May 14 2010


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“Thanks for the lift, Sharon,” said Brigid, pulling on her seat belt. “One of these days I really need to get that driver’s license.”

Sharon nodded and pulled the car out of its parking space. “So why don’t you?”

“Well, I usually don’t need one. The bus takes me to and from work, and anything else, Greg is usually home and plinking away on the laptop, so I can get him to take me. But no, the inconsiderate jerk had to get invited to a writer’s conference off in Pennsylvania somewhere, so I’ve got no car all weekend.”

“The nerve of some people,” said Sharon. “But I don’t mind, shopping is more fun with somebody else. And I want you to try this new store, anyway. It’s brilliant. Karma-friendly shopping! Nothing in the store except organic, local food; everything has to be in recycled packaging, and they don’t carry anything tested on animals. What is it you need to shop for? I bet you’ll love it.”

“Ant traps,” said Brigid.

“Oh,” said Sharon. “Um.”

“As long as they have organic, locally-grown ant traps that weren’t tested on animals, we should be good to go,” said Brigid.

-The Gneech

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