Brigid scowled at her folded-up newspaper. “You know what a ‘fag hag’ is, right?” she said.
“Sorry, what?” said Greg.
“A fag hag.”
Greg shifted uncomfortably. “Well, er, yes. It’s not a term I would throw about in such a reckless manner, but I am familiar with the concept. What prompted the question?”
“I was just wondering, what would the reverse of that be?”
“The reverse? A ‘gah gaf’?”
“No, I mean, what would you call a straight man who always wanted to hang around with lesbians?”
“Uh…” said Greg.
“I know, it’s a poser. How about ‘dyke dude’?”
“I am hereby recusing myself from this conversation immediately,” Greg said, scooping Ozymandias up from his lap and heading for the hall. “There’s nothing I can say here that won’t get me into big, big trouble.”
“And you call yourself a linguaphile,” called Brigid. “You should be interested in this stuff!”
“I prefer the term ‘word nerd,'” he said, and was gone.
-The Gneech