A Shameless Cry for Attention
So, two month and four episodes in, The Short Story Geeks Podcast has just released its longest episode, and it’s a whopper. I know people are out there — my call for an emergency backup geek got multiple responses, and Greg’s Smashwords coupons are being redeemed. And I suppose the fact that people keep listening and don’t rip us to shreds should be taken as a sign that people like what they’re hearing. ;)
Still, I’d really like to know what people think of it. Greg, Buck and I originally started with the idea that we’d do six episodes over three months and based on that decide if we wanted to continue, change format, or what. As we’re 2/3 of the way there, and it’s something that Buck and I at least are probably going to be talking about quite a bit at AnthroCon.
So please, if you’ve listened to the show, lemme know what you think! I don’t just want “Great show!” here, although that’s certainly welcome if that’s what you think. :) I’d like to know what you think works, what doesn’t work, ways we could improve … anything you’ve got to say about it. You can leave comments here, you can shoot me an e-mail at thegneech@gmail.com, whatever works for ya.
Thanks! :)
-The Gneech