And We Have Website!
Permanent domain host found … check. CMS loaded … check. Content loaded from previous website … check. Snazzy layout … check!
Ladies and gentlemen, 3.0 (for lack of a better term) is on the air! Here is where I’ll be posting stories, reflections on writing, RPG materials, new projects I may have in the works, and so on. If you’re already a follower of my LiveJournal, posts made here will be echoed there, so you don’t have to change anything. As time goes on, however, I expect the LJ to be more of a home for daily ramblings about my personal life, internet memes, or other flotsam and jetsam, whereas this site will be more oriented to what you might call the “business end” of my keyboard. And while my prose has been more or less on “the back burner” for the past several years as I concentrated on my webcomics, this year I will be picking up the slack. I’ve already got two novels under various levels of construction and am casting around for markets for other works, so I hope to have a lot of news to post here as the year goes on.
If you’re new to my work, welcome aboard! I recommend you start with the Stories, there’s some good stuff there! The Fictionlets alone should keep you going for a while! Or, if you’re more interested in comics, you might enjoy The Suburban Jungle (Starring Tiffany Tiger) or NeverNever.
Finally, if you’re trying to reach me about something, you can leave a comment on this post via the link at the bottom, or e-mail me directly.
-The Gneech
[…] fugit and all that, but it’s been a month since I posted And We Have Website!, the first post of actual content made to the New! Improved! […]