Apr 12 2010

Minding the Store

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A couple more changes here at gneech.com as things get settled in. First and most obvious, is the ad boxes. These are run through Project Wonderful, the same folks who serve up the ads for Suburban Jungle and NeverNever, and they do a fine job. The rates are nice and low until people start bidding on them, so get ’em while they’re hot! Get ’em while they’re ads! :D

Second, although I didn’t want to have to resort to it, I added a Captcha function to the site comments, because I was spending more time wading through fake SPAM comments than I was actually posting stuff to the site. When somebody comments on a sword and sorcery tale, “These are great tips!” … yeah, I can pretty safely assume they’re a bot. Let me know how the Captcha works for you (or doesn’t) — I’m still running that as a trial to see how it performs.

-The Gneech

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