May 12 2020

The Silence is Deafening

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On a whim, I went to the Friends page of my old LiveJournal.

It had, literally, no entries.

I looked at the equivalent page on Dreamwidth: it had entries, all from one person.

I miss blogs, man.

Three Good Things for Today

  1. Did some graphic design work for a friend.
  2. Got my unemployment filing done for the week and deposited a royalty check.
  3. Re-empowered my Bujo and my “Three Things” posts!

Three Goals for Tomorrow

  1. Post some art to FA
  2. Work on a new design project
  3. Intro for this weekend’s D&D session

Gnite world, and have an awesome tomorrow. <3 -TG

Filed under : Gneechy Talk | 1 Comment »

One response to “The Silence is Deafening”

  1. […] chewing more on my same thoughts from last night re: blogging and social contact and such. The annoying truth of the matter is, frankly, […]